
Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI)
Your One-Stop Solution Provider

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Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI)

With 90 cases of falling façades within 3 years, Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) became a requirement by law. This regime will apply to all buildings (excluding private landed houses and temporary buildings) that are at least 13m in height, more than 20 years of age at 7 yearly intervals.

At Lee Consultants, our façade team comprises of Professional Engineers/ BCA-Approved Competent Persons (CP) and Certified Façade Inspectors (FI) who are also qualified Drone (UAV) Pilots, Certified Infrared Thermographers, Rope Access Technicians, Boom/Scissor Lift Operators and Work-at-Height Managers.

We provide a complete one-stop solution for your BCA Periodic Fçcade Inspection (PFI).

Key Benefits

One- stop Solution

We provide end-to-end solutions, all in one stop! We are a team of Drone Pilots, Rope Access Technicians, Certified Thermographers, Work-at-Height Managers, Competent Persons & Façade Inspectors.

Specialised Expertise

Our team includes BCA-Approved Competent Persons and Façade Inspectors who are qualified with deep domain expertise to conduct high quality inspections for your assets and projects.

Cutting Edge Technology

We are well- appointed with the latest equipment and technology such as thermal imaging, rope access and drones to provide you with safe, cost effective and efficient inspections.

How it works


Receive a Notice from BCA

You will be informed by BCA that your property is due for a Periodic Façade Inspection.


Engage a Competent Person (CP)

You engage Lee Consultants as a Competent Person (CP) by filling up the form below to get a quote.


Search As- Built Façade Plans

Do you have As- Built Façade Plans for your property? Click below if you would like us to search plans on your behalf.


Purchase As-Built Façade Plans

We will inform you when BCA allows us to purchase the plans on your behalf.


Arrange an Inspection with us

Once we have received all the necessary information, we will arrange a date and time to conduct the Periodic Façade Inspection for your property.


Submit a Report to BCA

We will submit a report and notify you on the approval status from BCA.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of inspecting the façade of buildings periodically?

    As buildings age, their façades experience wear and tear. To improve public safety, a façade inspection regime will detect deteriorating façade materials and its connections early, and allow the Owner to carry out repairs before it fails.

  • What do I need to do when I receive the Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) Notice?

    BCA will serve Owners with a Notice of Inspection when the building is due for Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI).

    You can play your part by:

    • Appointing a Competent Person promptly. The Competent Person can be either a Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA);
    • Providing access to perimeter of the building to be inspected by your Competent Person;
    • Providing the necessary access system such as suspended working platform/gondola, mobile elevating work platform or scaffold or a combination of these to carry out the close-range façade inspection;
    • Providing a set of approved plans and façade drawings;
    • Providing information on the maintenance and history of the building, particularly if façade repair work histories had been carried out and its locations, i.e. water ingress, etc.;
    • Providing previous periodic inspection reports (if available) for reference;
    • Carrying out rectification works and/or monitoring of defects highlighted by your Competent Person promptly;
    • Maintaining your building façade in good condition at all times.
  • How often do I need to carry out Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) of my building?

    PFI regime will apply to all buildings over 13 metres in height and more than 20 years old on 2H2021 at 7-yearly intervals.

    Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should inspect your building only when required to do so. As and when defects or deterioration are detected, you should engage a Competent Person to investigate, propose remedial measures and certify the completion of the rectification work.

  • Are As-Built Façade Plans and Façade drawings needed?

    Yes. They are needed by us to access the original design before we can properly plan our inspection.

  • Can Lee Consultants (Competent Person) purchase a set of my building’s building plans on my behalf for the purpose of Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI)?

    Yes, Lee Consultants (Competent Person) can make an application on your behalf via

    As we would need to attach the Documentary Proof of Ownership of property (latest property tax bill, Title Deed or Notice of Transfer) when making the application, please provide us with the documents via the quotation form below.

  • What does the Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) process involve?

    Under BCA Regulations, PFI may differ slightly from building to building, and would likely involve the following:

    • Visual inspection of the condition of the entire (100%) building façade elements from ground level or other available vantage points and openings, which may be done using naked eye or tools like binoculars, camera, infra-red scanning technology or drone technology;
    • Detect dilapidation and displacement of façade elements;
    • Minimum of 10% close-range inspection to be carried out for each building face (elevation);
      Inspection may include localised removal of façade elements or panels for inspections and material testing to ascertain the deterioration level and/or integrity of the façade elements, if required;
    • Determination of whether defects or deterioration in façade elements or panels are of any concern;
    • Recommendation of remedial measures to be carried out
    • For a building with widespread defects observed, the Competent Person may recommend a full façade investigation of localised areas or the whole building for BCA’s consideration and approval prior to the investigation.
  • What does a full façade investigation of Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) entail?

    For a building with widespread defects observed, the Competent Person may recommend a full façade investigation of localised areas or the whole building for BCA’s consideration and approval prior to the investigation.

    Full investigation generally involves:

    • Additional locations for the additional close-range inspections;
    • Any on-site and/or laboratory tests will be carried out to verify the façade condition, strength of the façade materials and extent of the defects, if deemed necessary;
    • Exposing concealed façade elements (e.g. brackets for curtain wall system), or the removing façade panels to assess the condition of the panels, will be based on Competent Person’s professional judgement.
    • Recommending any repairs to be carried out in order to restore the integrity of the building façades.
    • Where the repair involves any structural elements or works, the structural plan approval and permit to commence works are to be obtained prior to commencing the repairs, if applicable. A Professional Engineer (PE), if the Competent Person is not a PE, shall be engaged for this purpose.
  • How long will the Periodic Façade Inspection take?

    It depends. There are many factors that will affect the inspection eg.

    • extent of defects observed;
    • weather;
    • mode of accessing the façade;
    • surface area of façade; and
    • height of building.
  • What arrangement should be made before the Periodic Façade Inspection?
    1. Please inform your tenants about the dates of Periodic Façade Inspection.
    2. Please notify us if you have any outdoor assess to your façade.
  • If only some part of my building façade had been refurbished recently, do I need to carry out Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI)?

    Yes, if only some parts of the façade are refurbished, the building is still required to carry out PFI according to the building age.

  • What happens after Lee Consultants (Competent Person) submits the inspection report?
    • BCA will vet through the report and may seek clarification from the Competent Person with regards to the contents of the report.
    • The Competent Person is required to respond to clarifications and, where the situation warrants, BCA may also conduct a joint site inspection of the building with the Professional Engineer and/or require the Competent Person to conduct a presentation to BCA.
    • Upon the acceptance of the report, BCA will write to the Owner to follow up with the recommendations of the Competent Person on the defects detected.
    • You should carry out the remedial works promptly to prevent further deterioration of the building and thereafter submit the Competent Person’s certification on the completion of the remedial works, where applicable.
  • Can I conduct Periodic Structural Inspection (PSI) and Periodic Façade Inspection (PFI) concurrently?

    Yes, you can appoint the same Professional Engineer (PE) , i.e Lee Consultants to carry out both inspection if he met the requirements under PFI and PSI regulations. Please note PFI and PSI are different in scope two different reports have to be submitted.

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    *Please attach BCA Notice Letter, As- Built Facade Plans/ Facade Cladding Plans if available.

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