
Signage Inspection
Temporary Building Permit Inspections

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Signage Inspection

Outdoor Signs and Advertisement, and their supporting structures, are considered Temporary Buildings according to Building Control (Temporary Building) Regulations 2018. New signages (Temporary Buildings) would require a Permit to Use (PTU) to be applied before erection while existing signages will require their PTU extensions granted on 3-yearly intervals.

At Lee Consultants, our Professional Engineers inspect and grant endorsements to newly constructed and existing signages to ensure that they meet the structural safety and feasibility requirements. With an unrivalled portfolio of inspections and wide range of specialty testing capabilities such as drones and thermography, we  work with you to ensure success in your Temporary Building Permit applications and renewals.

Key Benefits

Comprehensive Signage Inspections

Our team of Registered Professional Engineers conduct high quality on-site inspections to provide you with a complete view of structural conditions and integrity of your signages.

Signage Expertise

Our signage inspections are informed by more than 40 years domain experience. Our expertise in hands-on investigation, analysis and repair or restoration design – for all material types and vintages –enables us to effectively address all aspects of your signages.

Specialised Tools & Techniques

We are well- appointed with the latest equipment and technology such as thermal imaging, rope access and drones to help identify hidden defects and structural deterioration of your signages.

End-to-End Solutions

We provide reports that are BCA compliant and recommend rectification and repair works to your signages if necessary.

How it works


Receive a Notice from BCA

Do you have an existing signage? You will be informed by BCA that your property is due for a Permit to Use (PTU) renewal.


Engage a Professional Engineer (PE)

Appoint Lee Consultants as a Professional Structural Engineer to inspect your signage and its supporting structures. Please fill the form below to get a quote.


Arrange an Inspection with us

Once we have received all the necessary information, we will arrange a date and time to conduct the Signage Inspection for your property.


Submit a Report to BCA

After the inspection, the Professional Structural Engineer will submit to BCA his assessment report to confirm that the structure is structurally sound and is safe for continual use.


Payment to BCA for your Permit to Use Renewal

Owners are required to pay a Permit fee of $200 per structure to BCA.


Your Permit to Use (PTU) is approved!

Upon approval from BCA, the PTU will be renewed for 3 years from the date of expiry of the last Permit.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is my signage called a Temporary Building?

    Any structure used only for the outdoor display of an advertisement or signboard is called a “Temporary Building” under the Building Control (Temporary Building) Regulations 2018.

  • Why do I need a Permit To Use (PTU) for my signage?

    A Permit To Use is required from BCA when

    a) Your signage exceeds an area of 10m2 and is supported by an advertisement structure.

    b) Your signage is located more than 4 metres from the horizontal plan on which the structure stands.

  • Is there an expiry date for the Permit To Use (PTU)?

    A Permit to Use is valid for 3 years from the date of issue.

  • Why do I have to pay Licence Fee and Permit Fee for my signage?

    Licence Fees are required to be paid when your signage is a single signage or a series of signages with a total area of more than 5m2.  Licence fees are calculated based on the size (area) of the signage.

    Permit Fees are also required to be paid when your signage falls under Item 2 above, where you need a PTU for your signage.  Permit fee charged is $200 per structure when you apply for a PTU for your signage.


Our experience span every industry and challenge, which gives a unique perspective that we bring to every client relationship. We are trusted partners with companies such as CapitaLand, OCBC and Great Eastern.

Capital Tower


OCBC Building


Great Eastern Building


Junction 8


Newton Gems


Rivervale Mall


OCBC Tampines Centre One & Two

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    Are the Signages more than 3 metres high from the floor?

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    *Please attach BCA Notice Letter and signage pictures if available.

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